
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The issue of trust

I have found myself in a constant state of unease these past few days.

You see, we are waiting for our inspection report to come in on this home which we have lived in for 14 years.
What is it about this house which we have lived with, which will be a detriment to the next owners?
I don't really care to go into all of that specifically...what I want to talk about is living like you mean it.
Actually, that is not quite it.
I think I live like I mean it...(trusting in God that is).
It is getting my twisted in knots stomach, and racing heart to agree. It is shutting down the worry so that I can sleep through the night.
I decided just moments ago that I have been living as though I am stuck in a war zone and prepping for battle.
This is so far from reality it almost makes me laugh at myself.

There is no battle going on right now, except that in my own spiritual life to really trust in Gods timing. Which I suppose is an important war, but has me in no imminent danger.
Don't we all have our own neat little time schedule of just how everything should happen, and what would be just right for us.

God is the master planner. We have example after example of His amazing timing skills and yet we tend to not trust that He is doing that very thing for those of us who love Him too.

I mean seriously...he orchestrated little Joseph getting all the way to Egypt so that years and years later he could send Moses along to help set them free. And in that he sought to teach them so many things about how great He is and what a mighty hand He has for His people.

Do you believe He is doing the same for you.
More you find your stomach and heart agreeing.
Today is the day for me to whip mine into shape.
Today is the day I surrender to God's timing on my moving issue.
If you are struggling in some way with the Masters timing, I understand...but lets give Him a chance to work His magic...okay???