I'd love to stick around and shoot the breeze with you but I have so much to do!
My husbands family is driving in from Nashville and Dallas today.
We are gonna have 9 extra people staying in our house (5 for 6 days and 4 for 2 of those days) and I am so excited about it.
No really, I am.
I love having company.
You wanna know why?
(Well besides the obvious fact that it is my husbands family and we love them dearly.)
I get to cook!
I have this inner chef begging to be set free, who is bound by the chains of mommy-ness.
Pleasing children with food in the daily grind of everyday life gets to be a chore.
You know, hearing stuff like....
"I am not gonna eat that!"
"What is this green stuff?"
"This doesn't taste the same as last time, what did you do?"
"Do you have to put oatmeal in the cookies?"
"There are too many blueberries in this."
"Can we have chicken?"
"Aaaawwwww do we have to have chicken again?"
"Can we have burgers?"
"I don't eat burgers."
"Why does all the good food have to have trans-fat in it?"
"I have to eat all of these vegetables to have dessert?"
Just on and on and on. I keep telling my darling children that I simply cannot please everyone all of the time.
The things that please one, distress the other.
Of course I try to alternate with who to be on the good side with, but someone is always unhappy, it is the nature of the beast.
I get that this is where I am in my life and will continue to fight this battle. A little at a time I will win them over.
But when company comes....Mommy is gone and Chef Jen gets to make an appearance.
If I want to put green stuff in the lasagna...I do!!
If I want to put cranberries in the scones...I do!!
If I want to add roasted red bell pepper to the pasta sauce....I do!!
Okay I could go on and on with that list of I do's.
Just suffice it to say, I cook what I want, how I want to please the more mature palates who sit around the big people table.
Yes, blog readers...I selfishly prepare lavish dishes so my children can suffer the atrocities!
Bwahaha ha ha ha....(evil laugh!)
So, I might not be back until this time next week, I just didn't want you worrying about me.
I am off now to prep our Saturday night lasagna ingredients and to make a double batch of oatmeal cookies to freeze.
Let the torture begin!!