
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

just some camera practice

It rained again today!
I headed out into the post rain humidity to give the camera a whirl while the sunshine was out.

My lens fogged up!

This is what the summer has done to my beautiful angel earring plant.

Perhaps I should remove the pot???
I am still holding some hope that it will return!

ahhhhh raindrops

raindrops on roses....

....and whiskers on...
no kittens around here, all we have is the Shelbster.

...and whiskers on Shelby.

Oh, what would that make the next line have to say?
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen ________?
What rhymes with Shelby that could go there?
I am not willing to take the brain power to figure that out today!

Next up a lizard friend,

and my son's friend!

I am continuing with summer fun around here, and I hope you are too!