I know you have no idea what I am talking about, just refer back to this when you come across anything that you may deem crazy as you read!
There is so much going on in my yard right now, I am fairly bursting to share it with you.
I am a bit of a detail girl, so I am seeing tiny little bits of amazement each day and I can't help but want to share them.
I highly doubt though that you will be interested in the 2 new leaves on the cilantro, the macro growth of tiny little bell peppers, bean plants in three different sizes though planted at the same time, or the slight variation in color of my two crape myrtle trees.
Well, I dunno...maybe it would thrill you, who am I to judge your detail geekiness!!
( I just love it when a word isn't a real word and my computer freaks out on me!)
So, here is what I was thinking.
How about we make Friday our day to catch up on all the action in my backyard world of wonder.
It can be a consistent day to show you changes that have occurred in a large enough amount that you might even be able to recognize.
I am shaking my head at myself because I am such a visual addict, nerd crazy person!!
I suppose if you are sick to death of seeing the 1/8th of an inch growth of a squash each week, you will know not to show your face around here on Friday.
Consider yourself sufficiently forewarned!!!
That said....oh man, I am so excited!
I don't even know what to show you first.
Okay, how about the lilies.
The last time we saw these, they were about 2 inches out of the ground.
That tallest one is a good 7 inches up. Those tips are filled with what will be a stunning red lily!
Your eyes are gonna bust out of your head when you see them in bloom.
Yesterday morning my wisteria did not look like this.
It is growing so fast I can't even keep up with it in a day!!
Here is our dogwood!
Aren't you so proud at how nicely it is filling out?
It is because I speak encouraging words to it.
Okay, maybe it is really because I water it and God gives it sunshine and root growth.
I like to think I am doing my part though...you know, emotionally.
Are you ready for this....
The first little tomato bulb!
Sigh, just gorgeous isn't it!!!
Wow, if I didn't like myself so much I would think I was really weird!!!
Ha, just think how my husband feels.
Though, with 20 years of time together you can bet he knows how weird I am.
Why do you think he created this lovely place for me??
I must warn you.
What you are about to see will be life changing.
Are you ready?
Deep breath please.
Could you just die????
This is a tiny little arugula which got accidentally sown with a green bean seed.
I had to end their friendship last night when I put them in their respective beds, but if things work out right, they may just see each other again someday.
Don't tell them I said that though, it may stunt their growth!
I need to introduce you to a new member of our backyard family!
(I have a deep and passionate love for all Terra cotta pots, in fact I am thinking about creating a business based solely on TC pot pictures. I will call it I love Pots and shoot orange pots all day long.)
This is a rare yellow bougainvillea.
I made up that rare part, and the business part.
I just have never seen one before, but that doesn't really make them rare, does it?
My neighbor from the old 'hood brought it over last week.
It was a sincere and loving gift meant to replace the one I had to leave behind at my old house.
Did I tell you that my husband HATES this fast growing, take over your life, weed of a plant?
Yeah, he does.
They are gorgeous but have wicked long thorns that can disable even the strongest of men.
The last one was by our front door and it grew as fast as my husband could trim it.
He made sure to place this one in a nice, out in the open, harm to no man, safe distance from all entrances and exits kind of place.
In a pot!
So that should the need arise, he could move it...or chunk it in the trash can when I am not looking.
Just kidding honey, I know you love me and would not accidentally do such a thing.
Well, while I have got you here I will show you the brave teen cardinal who stopped by this morning.
They are this fantastic dark red orange color, with lovely gray accents.
His daddy is a much truer red. It is interesting to see the two of them together.
Man, he was gorgeous.
Well, I must skedaddle.
My munchkins have an early release day and will be home in less than an hour.