He was just playing hide and seek with me!
You can play a round too...
I felt pretty desperate to get some pictures today of something other than frogs and fungus.
We had a lot of birds come by the feeder, which entertained us during our supper.
I figured if I slipped outside and attempted to blend in, I may have some luck getting a few images without the problem of glass or screens.
I tend to forget that a 6 foot tall woman dressed in yellow isn't very blendable.
Shelby did not like being left inside.
She watched intently for me the whole time I was outside getting nothing but eaten by mosquitoes!!
It was a nice time of quiet peaceful reflection, but seriously folks....I still had to load the dishwasher and fold another basket of laundry.
I can't just sit around waiting on the birds!
I gave up and headed down the fence line to check out my neighbors roses which are hanging up and over my side of the fence.
Hey, I am not complaining.
They, the neighbors, were in my backyard last week and we noticed his grapevine pushing through the fence as well.
I joked with him that anything growing on this side of the fence was mine to harvest!
Do you know, the next day that vine was pulled back through the fence. Ha ha ha! That cracked me up.
I can still see it though...and can stalk its progress!
Are you as tired as me?
Well, then I suppose that means we should hit the hay!
Good night friends.