
Friday, October 1, 2010

Fall has arrived

The first day of fall was September 23rd.
I don't usually keep track of such information, but my daughter was born that day and somehow she knew it.

With the coming of fall we know that we can expect cooler temperatures, which puts a spring in the step, does it not???
The birds sing louder, the squirrels are more frisky, the dog (though I am not sure how it is possible) walks faster!

We begin to see the leaves changing to colors which God seems to somehow reserve specifically to highlight in this season. Indian Red, Golden Rod, Sienna, Amber...oh so many deep yellows, oranges, and reds to consider.
Cinnamon and Nutmeg are naturally worked into baked goods and coffee drinks!

And Pumpkin!
We just cannot leave out how much the pumpkin has come to represent fall.

Mmmmm, mmmmm, those gorgeous orange fellows! They greet me at every grocery store entrance wishing me a happy fall.

So, in the spirit of all things fall and orange, and warm....I would like to introduce you to my new hair color.

I know you are thinking, no big dealio, what is the big change??
Okay well look over to the right.
See up there, my very blond picture!?!
That is how I have been wearing my hair for oh, about 7 years or so. Varying a bit dependent upon what actual shade was on sale.
So,why did I do this??? Was it a mistake?
Well, no not really.
Here is what happened.
First of all I read this blog post suggested by my sister in law.
This is the basic premise of the post.
"Being our best selves is about cultivating the courage to be vulnerable, authentic, and imperfect. Perfectionism, on the other hand, is the belief that if we live perfect, look perfect, and act perfect, we can minimize or avoid the pain of blame, judgment, and shame. It's that simple."

Soooo...when my Sister in law texted me yesterday and said she was thinking about getting a drastic haircut, I wanted to be supportive of her very bold move to make a huge jump out of her comfort zone.
I said I would make a jump too and do a different hair color!
Change like this, which is so apparent really opens you up to, if nothing else...perceived judgment and criticism.
One can tend to get defensive and over protective!

My hair is much darker than I am accustomed to. It is warm and lovely like the fall colors just setting themselves free for the season.
It is going to take some getting used to!
It is not the perfect thing for me, and I wouldn't choose it again. But for today, and for my sis in law, and for the spirit of not being perfect and being ok with just being is just fine!!