However, I know I can write quickly about her and give you something fresh to look at.
Like I said previously...she got a lot of camera time.
I will now take a few moments to share the best of the best with you from our dinky digital camera!!
Exhibit A
Shelby looking at something.
Riveting, right??
Shelby up close.
Real close, see how she was really giving herself to this shot!
No physical coercion at all.
Shelby fussing at something, and me there calming her down.
The oh so loved Pink Parka.
Yes, friends I bought this for my dog.
Can I just say it was $2.50 at Target and I couldn't resist seeing as how I knew it would be such a contrast to so much of her life, and it made us all laugh.
I also love the looks I get from people driving by as though I have lost my mind.
Maybe I have.
NO, I haven't.
Now if I had paid like...$17.00 or more for a pink parka for my dog then you should surely send out the signal to pick up the crazy lady.
Ahhhh yes, a rather poor angle for Shelby who has in fact put on a few pounds since her arrival at our place.
She seems to have gained all the weight in her neck!
I did ask her if it was okay to post ALL of these pictures.
She merely pretended to be sleeping and ignored me.
In that shot above she is totally focused on the fact that I have disappeared into that building in the distance.
She was all about not letting me out of her sight and fussing profusely when I was.
The yawn.
I know, now you are so torn as to which is your favorite, right??
The Stegosaurus
I told you...
...did I not tell you???
You are welcome.
You may now get back to your regularly scheduled life!