Ahhhhh ha ha, I can crack myself up over the silliest things.
I woke at 6 this morning.
Now mind you I had the coffee pot set for 7:30, but really thought I would sleep until at least 8.
That is when I HAD to get up.
I woke thinking about how this blog is getting the leftovers of my life.
You know, snippets here and there as I dart about trying to get everything accomplished in a day.
My initial intent for this place was to share my thoughts, encourage people, and maybe teach someone out there a new recipe or two. I found myself intrigued by the idea of taking pictures of things to share to spice things up a bit and to have something else than white background and black letters.
This, along with my creative right brain slant eventually led me to the purchase of my handy dandy camera and the desire to learn it. The desire to learn it has opened up amazing possibilities for me and my direction for this blog took a turn, now didn't it?
I feel like all I have been doing lately is throwing a picture at you in a mad rush to move on to the next thing I need to do.
I am sorry for this, but I won't apologize.
My paying "job" right now is being a Mom.
Ha ha ha, in fact my husband says I make the same amount as he does (as he "hands me the check" each week to manage our money).
I really want to take the time to tell you about so many things that are on my heart; the ways that I see God and his working on my life and outlook.
I want to tell you about my journey as a photographer and what it is teaching me about service and being a christian woman.
I want to, well I just want to do more.
But...right now it isn't possible.
So, you are going to get pictures of dirty dishes and yellow poles all lined up and I am going to continue on my quest to become an amazing photographer while being a Mom before all else.
(Now don't worry, I am just talking as far as jobs go!)
When time allows I will try to be a blessing to you faithful readers out there.
When it doesn't, I hope to at least give you something fun or interesting to look at from my little corner of the world.
Thanks for being patient with me...that is assuming you are!!??!!
Oh, I almost forgot here is your picture for today.
Pretty amazing, right???
Ahhhhhh ha haha!!!
Today is going to be another fun filled day, which I do sincerely hope to get to tell you about.
Our church family is hosting a group of kids from Texas A&M University this weekend.
These fun kids are a part of Aggies for Christ and are here to minister to our teens as well as members of our church family.
You know I have just got to hit that with my camera!!!
AND it is the first soccer game of the season for my adorable middle child.
AND there is a going away party for some of the neighbors who are moving.
AND ...oh there isn't another and.
Well I must get ready for my day.
Thanks for listening and thanks for being patient in this growth spurt of my life.