Yes I am hard on myself. Are my expectations to high? Yeah, maybe so.
And yes my post yesterday probably seemed like I was over the top discontent. However...
It is one thing to be hard on yourself and whine about it, but another completely to not like where you are and decide to push through and grow.
That was me yesterday.
That is me in so many aspects of my life right now, and I bet yours too....I just happen to talk about mine here for whoever happens to read it.
I don't want to settle for good enough!
Discontent either leads to mediocrity and acceptance or it propels you on to excellence through action.
I want to be action girl.
We are studying Philippians on Sunday mornings and I have been thinking a lot about this section of
chapter 2:
3 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves ; 4 do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. 5 Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus.
I feel the same way about my photography right now as I do about how I truly live out that passage.
Sure it is very different but also the very same in theory.
I don't want to let up being hard on myself about acting more like Christ. I don't ever want to feel like "Hey I have got this down!!".
I want to always be discontent in that and be propelled to action because of it.
I am going to push through and grow and struggle along the way....and in the meantime I will probably talk about that here.
It only means I am human, and I know you are too.
Let's encourage each other on to good works...and good work!!
We are working for the master anyway, so it may as well be the best we can give! Col. 3:23