Okay...really, really quickly cause I should already be off the computer and getting ready for my day.
Our Color for today is this nice green!
I think it will be green often as that is my favorite color and this is my blog!!
Remember what I was saying about new babies and how special seeing one is.
Eeeeek I got to see another one last night.
Of the human variety!!!
My friend was very kind to allow me to take a couple of quick pictures of her brand new 7lb. baby last night.
Oh man, he was super cute.
I know she must have thought I was mighty bold unwrapping him so I could see more parts of his sweet newness. Green if you will...I know it is a stretch, but give me a break here.
Actually, seeing as how this is her fourth, I am not sure that anything could phase her!!!
Though I may have seemed bold at the time I still had reservations about shooting these photos.
Not worried, just not wanting to be intrusive or overly pushy.
This is a skill set I have had to try to harness as I gain maturity.
I learned about myself last night that I need to NOT hold back.
I need to ask permission to be creative and then do it.
My photos will NOT be as good as they can be if I do not act with boldness AND confidence, mixed equally with humility and kindness toward my subject...whatever it may be.
Such an important lesson for me.
I bet I will get another chance to take some pictures of this baby and really do him some justice!!
Thanks Mrs. Knox for sharing your new little love with this crazy camera girl.