While he has always had a proclivity for eating, the teenage years seem to really be highlighting this trait!
I am trying my best to train him out of the bad eating patterns I trained him into, back in the days of my ignorance.
While our sleepover birthday party menu was not what one might consider "healthy", it was still all homemade (with love) and as far away from processed yuck food as I could get, while still pleasing teen boys.
Our treat for this morning was cinnamon rolls!
Made from scratch from beginning to end cinnamon roll yumminess!!
I was not 100% satisfied with the results of this new recipe, but will try it again with a bit of alteration.
I had nothing but accolades from the hungry mob of boys, so I must have done something right!!
I woke up at 3:00a.m. realizing that I had used all of the powdered sugar in my cake icing and quickly composed a mental list of what I should get from the store when I woke back up in the morning.
Powdered Sugar
Hamburger Buns (for the chopped beef sandwiches to come later today)
I repeated this over and over again, hoping my poor little brain would keep track of it for me until morning!!
It did!
7:30 found me, coffee cup in hand as I stumbled through the grocery store, collecting the items on my mental list!
Luckily icing is a no brainer, so I whipped it up in a snap...while sipping my second cup of coffee!
I had my drooling middle son take hold of the icing spoon, so that I could get an action shot.
He got distracted by my efforts and glopped a big blob of icing on one roll.
He quickly claimed that roll as the one he was gonna get his lips on first!
I acquiesced...mainly because it wasn't the one in the center.
I like the center rolls best, how about you??
I hope you like the edge ones best, cause then we would get along just fine!
Guess what my husband likes?
(Actually I don't think he cares much, but he does know that I have an opinion and he takes what I don't choose. He is awesome like that!)
There is just nothing like homemade cinnamon rolls!
Nothing in all the cooking world!!
That is not actually a fact, in case you were wondering, just my professional opinion.
I figured it was the perfect way for my son to begin his first day as a 14 year old.
I think he agreed.