
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Not what I came to write about...oh well.

You maybe have heard the quote "If you don't have anything good to say, then don't say anything at all." While it may not totally apply here, that is how I have felt the past couple of days. I have remained uninspired, and therefore unmotivated to write.
I know too well the overwhelming uneasiness which comes from attempting to create something with no inherent zeal to propel forward action. I have no deadline here except that which I create in my own mind, which is kind of nice.
I think finishing up my latest drawing assignment took it out of me a bit. Hitting that deadline is always a relief!
I am so very thankful and humbled after years and years (and years) of having an art degree to finally be using it in a professional capacity. Oh, don't get me wrong...I have done some artwork in the years since my 1993 graduation. Countless made from scratch hand painted bags as baby shower gifts when I was too poor to actually purchase a gift. Intricate murals on walls of friends, little drawn notes scribbled in thanks, paintings and drawings for friends and family. And who can forget VBS? The hours and hours of work on vacation bible school projects. That one is mind numbing, truly!
So, here is a shout out to Varsity China, and Brandy for giving me an opportunity to make the paper my degree is printed on...
worth something...
... finally!
When you visit the website check out the State of Texas series. It is totally gorgeous!!! I can only claim responsibility for working on Auburn, Oklahoma State, Clemson, South Carolina, and Indiana.
Brandy always has such a specific vision for every single plate! I love our first sit down sessions when we hash out the details of a new design. It is so neat to see her cute little squiggly sketches and the blossom of an idea that I get to take home and make into a bloom.
I didn't ever really think I would get to be an artist. (yes, the education degree was only done for backup) Now look at me, a full time Mommy, part time the good life! Sigh...
How can you really thank someone enough for something like that???
I keep trying! Thanks Brandy!

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