
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I hate complaing about this again but...

My middle son asked me first thing this morning..."So, Mom have you written your blog today?"
I heaved a sigh and responded "No, I haven't."

See, here is the deal.
I take a photo with my camera.
I then have to load the photo to the old computer because this computer, for some strange reason doesn't recognize the existence of the camera.
I then log onto this blog page on the old computer.
The photo is loaded onto a new blog page, all is saved and shut down.
I then switch computers and log on where I can now write about the loaded photos.
If by chance I happen to delete a photo,
which mind you... I have done every single time,
I must begin the process all over again and usually by that time, the child who was breathing down my neck to get on the other computer has taken over said computer and won't come up for air for at least 40 minutes by which time I want to be done and moving on with life.

This is supposed to be easy and fun.
Both of those things are missing in the photo loading scenario, which is why I have been posting less often.
It takes twice as long to do double the work.

But since I had the prodding I decided to go ahead and give it a shot today, deciding to give you a list of wonderful things.

Due to my incompetence and the hullabaloo of loading images onto this blog, it has been whittled down to one wonderful thing.

Come to think of it, this may be a good thing.
Can't have too much wonderfulness all at once.
That sets a standard which I am pretty sure I wouldn't be able to live up to.

Less wonderfulness on my part, less chance for disappointment on your part.

But, because I care about your blog experience I will press on despite the erasure of images and thoughtfully written text and present to you the one photo which survived my accidental deletion which of course occurred today.

This is one of our floating plants which was recently added to our pond.
I had no idea whatsoever that it was a bloomer! The bud is so tightly wrapped in its green stem that there is no visible clue of an impending burst of color.
So, on Sunday floating green bulbous plants and on Monday this full out gorgeous set of blooms.
What a treat!!
This 6 petal flower is literally a shimmering lavender. Notice the one petal which has the darker purple decoration, and yellow spot in center. Perfection! All the other petals circle around it, drawing your eye to the drama created.

And, perfect timing too. My mother in law is coming this next week, and she above all others will enjoy the pond as much as I do, if not more.
I was just commenting to my husband that I wished that the water lilies were farther along and would bloom for her visit. I had no idea at the time that these beauties were lurking there about to surprise me.

Oh, the visual treats God has tucked away in his arsenal.
I will never tire of discovering whatever He chooses to send my way.

Hopefully tomorrow I will create and delete another entire post for you, then have to start over and rework it until it is less than I imagined but more than nothing!!
Come on, laugh with me as we get through this trying time in my blog life.
Later y'all.

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