It is in my next door neighbors yard.
It is hiding a huge secret!
Take a closer look, can you see it yet?
Come on I will take you closer still.
See the center there!
It is a rounded out bulbous fuzzy area.
Come on, even closer and look inside.
When the layers of fuzziness are peeled back, you find these spectacular orange seeds.
A whole bunch of orange seeds!!
They are also covered with the pale yellow fuzz.
My 10 year old is holding a group of these seeds.
Some he had already rubbed the fuzz off of, but the others still have a bit on them.
My son, being the kid he is, took one of those wonderful seeds and planted it right away.
Come to find out this is a female Sago Palm.
I guess I knew some plants were male and female, but not all of them give us so much to take notice of.
Why am I just now, after 40 years of living giving notice to this you ask??
Well, a friend brought over a few Sago Palms to our place.
Apparently, they produce babies as well as seeds. What??
How does that happen?
Well seeing as how I don't have time for research we just have to take it for what it is.
They do in fact make little offsprings which show up and can be transplanted.
We planted 2 in the front yard...
...and three by the pond.
I just can't help but wonder if any of them are female.
And, how long will I have to wait to find out.
And when I do find out, will I remember enough to care?
Well, there you have it folks, just a little piece of what is going on around here.
I am working on perfecting a pumpkin bread recipe to my liking, and a pumpkin ale spiced bread as well.
Oh, and caramel apples!!
I just don't know if I have the guts to make an attempt at my own caramel again, so I will admit now that I bought those little wrapped squares.
I am human after all.
And, it is a treat, not a daily part of a meal plan.
And, while unwrapping the caramels may take some time, burning pot after pot of sugar kinda gets to ya too.
Ahhhh ha ha ha, look at me justifying my caramel purchase to you!!
We shall see how the week goes!
Thank you for sharing the beauty of your environment. It is very encouraging! That plant is lots of fun! I may go out and find treasures in our yard for which to give praise. Unfortunately, other than my nice clothes, the only pants that fit me are my pajama pants... hmm. Oh! I love pumpkin bread, too. Thanks for tingling my taste buds... AGAIN! :D