
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Bokeh practice

I was sitting at a Christmas party the other day and a friend of mine and I were admiring the tree of our host family. It was probably 8 feet tall, covered with assorted ornaments and gently twinkling lights.

My friend asked..."Do you have a theme tree?"

I immediately and strongly said no.
I don't have one of those trees with all matchey matchey ornaments, or ribbon swirling around, or purple turkey feathers sprouting from the top like a fountain.

I enjoy those types of trees, very much!
I just don't have the energy to make one happen at my place.

Later as I thought back to our conversation I decided that I did indeed have a themed tree.

It is kind of a story of my life tree.
It has always been a tradition in my family for each child to get a new ornament each year, so I have things from way back in the 70's and on. What a treasure!
I just love seeing my own children as we carry on this tradition pull their ornaments from their boxes and think about being 2 or 3 or 6 or 10.
This year the boys got rocket ships and my girl a painted pony. I try to find something about the ornament that suits that child and where they are that year in some way.

After putting all of the ornaments on the tree this year I decided that next year I was going to keep some of my childhood ornaments in the boxes next year so that the current ornaments of my children could carry a stronger weight.

I got my camera out to try to practice a technique called bokeh and used some of my ornaments as the subjects.
Me and my camera...we still have issues that we are working out.

Here is a tiny little tour for ya even so!

This one here is from the 80's!

I always like to put it deep in the branches, so it looks like it is gliding away.

Always put the name and date on the ornaments!

If you don't put the name and date it is just a perpetual mystery!

I suppose I did this little number when I was about the age my daughter is now. There is no date on it but I know it is mine!
It is bric brac, cotton fabric, and lined paper, and it is big people!! I would say about 5x3 or so. rather large for an ornament.

I still have to get the lighting figured out...and this next picture is dreaded proof of that.
I had to include it though cause it is one of my favorite ornaments!
I made these when my oldest was 2! His hand is ginormous now, and I am glad I have this for comparison.

We have this petite Noah's Ark group which my girl hung all together very carefully this year.

Again with the lighting...arrrgghhhh, too little or too much!

Okay no more complaining!

I imagine my oldest son took to task the writing on this ornament for this year.
He would have been 6 1/2.

So cute, big fat letters!

Somewhere in the world there is a program to aid my bad photos!

Oh...BTW to explain a bit...
The software that came with my new camera made my computer crash!!
(I am once again typing away on my kids computer while they breathe down my neck in anticipation of getting on.)
Who knew such a thing could happen! I hope to get a version of photoshop soon, but until then we just have to take the photos as they come out of the camera, cause there is no way my dear husband is letting me anywhere near our computer with any type of editing program..after making it crash TWICE!!!!
Sorry honey!!

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