
Thursday, December 30, 2010

A gift!

So, my husband was out in the backyard grilling the other day and our neighbor shouts over the fence...

"Hey, would you all enjoy some peppers?"

My husband responded quickly,
"Well, sure. Jennifer loves to put peppers in food, we would enjoy that."

He continued by asking,
"What kind of peppers are they?"

Our retired, generous neighbor gave a hearty chuckle and said,

"Well, I can tell you that they are not banana peppers as I thought!"

"I pulled one of these ripe peppers off and took a nice bite of it ready to enjoy!"

He was able to put out another hearty chuckle before continuing...

"My mouth caught on fire fast and I ran into the house to slug down some milk...and I don't even like milk."

Yes my friends, our neighbor passed over the fence these peppers.

Funny, I thought immediately of what a fun photo they would make.
It never occurred to me to actually cook with them!

Why? Well, I will tell ya why (in case you can't tell by looking at them).

These are habanero peppers. It is reported that they are at least 50 times hotter than a jalapeno pepper.
Supposedly, they have a distinctively sweet, tropical fruity flavor and an apricot aroma...I guess that is if you can get past the heat to taste that!!!
Do you need another fun fact??
The smaller and thinner the pepper the hotter it will be. Fascinating!

We are having company for dinner so I will be doing some extra cooking today.
I think maybe lasagna and some of my famous chocolate chocolate chip cookies.
Or Gumbo and my famous chocolate chocolate chip cookies.
Or I could make Beef Stew and my famous chocolate chocolate chip cookies.
Either way, I am having some cookies!

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