
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Exploring the market

No, I cannot remember what these are, but aren't they gorgeous.
I lost all "public shyness with my camera" today as I strolled through the Hubbel and Hudson Market.
So many gorgeous things to behold.

These I do remember were radishes.

Long carrot-like pink radishes!

And these... more radishes!

Easter egg radishes. I have never heard of such a thing.
It is nice to get out and explore!

A smorgasbord for the eyes at every turn!

These were tiny little apples which caught my eye. I could hold all three in one hand and still had room for more.

Take a close look at that looks like a little snake head! ha ha ha!
It isn't I promise.
Digging the picture taking thing today!!!

It is a good thing I stayed up late posting too.
My faithful ever close by Shelby dog, kept raising her head from her blanket.
She was hearing something.
I went to explore what the sound was.
Oh, no was only the hamster who had gotten out of his cage because sister fed him (while brother is away this weekend) and left the lid off.
He was happily exploring, but took kindly to me putting him away.
Emergency averted!


  1. Love the veggies! I'm glad you were out finding your photo inspiration today. Me - not so much. And I too posted well after 11pm. But we made it! :)

  2. My battery died just as we headed down the waterway!! So many additional shots missed:(


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