Three posts in one day.
Hey, when I have something to say...I have something to say.
Actually right now...I don't have a lot left to say today and might just find myself snuggled in my bed before the official bedtime of Friday night, which happens to be 9:30.
However, you know I must get my photo of the day up!
I am maintaining a double commitment of a new photo each day as well as the February Joy of Love challenge.
We have made it to day 11 in this challenge and in my personal one...can we say... hey hey to 30 days!!!
I am so impressed with my maintaining skills!
Not to mention, as a result my photos are getting better!
You know how I have struggled with the fish photos, and I won't give up!
I took this one with my new lens. I think we are on to something here.
Ohhhhhh, yes we are!!!
I think I like the shadow there almost as much as the fish itself.
But those are just extra today, because I feed the fish almost daily and when it isn't freezing I bring along the camera.
Well, and of course I had to try out my new lens.
My photo assignment today was Dreams!
This gave me a big Uuuuggghhhhh!
I just couldn't think of a non-trite way to express this particular idea that was bouncing around in my head today.
I sat down to do some hemming, needle in hand and quiet all about.
Quiet leads to thinking, well for me anyway. Unless it leads to sleeping, I suppose that depends on the time of day!
My most sincere dream is for my children to know God.
To go beyond simple bible stories to having hearts and lives fully committed to Christ.
I think about my job as their MOM and how important my role is in that journey.
Little bits that I do each day help to shape that journey.
Each stitch in the fabric of their lives will hopefully, help bind them to the Lord.
So, that is my rather ambiguous photo for dreams!
I want to sew broad strong stitches that serve to hold things together until they choose to fill the eye of their own needles with the thread of commitment.
I hope all that makes sense!
Amen! :)