Wow, it is almost 10 p.m. once again, so I am gonna have to make this a fast post with mostly pictures.
We went to the zoo today as a family.
We saw birds!!
We saw animals!
Don't ya just love that built in grin!!
We really did see more animals than this, but you know...those photos didn't turn out so good.
We saw assorted palms and trees!
That one above...a happy accident! It was supposed to be a photo of another peacock! The camera "saw" this twig as I snapped the shot, but I love it!
My husband let me know that this was a mature version of one of the trees we just planted!
Isn't it lovely!!
Ohhhhh, so pretty!!
Dude...I need to get to bed!
I hate these rushed posts, but such is life right now!
FUN! Great shots--especially of the peacock and the grinning alligator. I also enjoy how you perfectly framed the flamingo between the fence rungs. Going to the zoo with our baby is a fantasy of mine. Give everyone loves and hugs for us. :)