
Monday, May 30, 2011


I am going to do a token load of laundry...towels!
That practically doesn't count!

I am honoring my picture taking everyday promise, though come to think about it I didn't post one on Saturday. Ooops sorry, I was a bit distracted!
I did take some however. Did I say that in that post? I dunno.

I took a few pictures today with my "kit" lens. I haven't used it in quite some time, so it was good practice.
I had to take it off of manual focus to be able to get a spider web to appear where I wanted it. The composition of those photos however, was not good... so they got deleted!
I moved on to other non thrilling things to further bog down your day here while reading my boring entry for this day.

My dear husband did the watering so I was able to just scan around for droplets!
I took about 12 of this one waiting for it to fall, then missed it when it finally did.

At least there is some drama here with it blowing in the wind!

Enjoy and remember, that what this holiday is all about!

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