
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Pay Attention!

I have been spending a lot of time going through the pictures I took for the wedding last week.
So many of the images full total are just not worth anything...however upon closer inspection I find little details that start to whisper to me.

I look, and look again and begin to get a small nudge of possibility.
I crop and work some levels and then suddenly a whole breath of a story is revealed.

For instance...
These are two things that I saw all afternoon long.

The Bride, gathering up her long dress to keep it up high and safe from trampling feet.

The groom unbuttoning and buttoning his gorgeously fitted jacket as he removed it to take breathers from the heat, then put it back on for photo after photo.

Then I saw this piece of an image....

and knew (for me anyway) that it had to be part of that group!!!

Call me crazy...I guess I am.

Okay, then for today I went once more to my backyard and scrounged around in desperation for a few images for you.

My zucchini is somehow still alive even though a mysterious fungus has attacked it at the base.

I got a bit lower and snapped this shot. It appeals to me somehow.

This little fly landed, hopped, landed, hopped

landed, hopped...and I got him.

Hey...just look at this!!!

It has been here all this time, and never paid any notice to it.
That is just how it is some days!!

Pay attention, you just never know what you may see!!!


1 comment:

  1. Very good point! Sometimes it's hard to remember to just pay attention! And we tell our kids to everyday :)


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