Because of that... you get ducks today.
Of the 60 or so ducks available for photos, this guy was the only sandy colored duck there.
Nice of him to pose in the sand for me to create a monochromatic picture.
He thought he was a duck?
These looked like some strange hybrid with their long legs and wonky knees.
Cloudy dull day of pictures.
As you can clearly see...I must keep practicing!
I had my ISO set too low today and I have yet to figure out the sensitivity of the metering in this new camera!
Oh the joy and frustration of a new toy.
This is a change of subject, but I wanted to post something other than lame-o pictures today!
20 years ago I went to college in a small town in Arkansas.
The year I got married, my husband and I joined in a group bible study with 5 other young married couples.
This was the lifeblood of our time there as we muddled through our first few years of marriage and college.
We met for food and fellowship and study. We supported one another and clung to the delights of youth and wedded bliss!
We exchanged handmade Christmas ornaments for years...dropping off on that as time and children and responsibilities took over the realities of maintaining those special friendships.
Then along came Facebook.
We soon found all of our lovely couples and reconnected on a more than once a year basis.
Last week I commented on FB that my son was at camp, so close to my Alma Mater.
One of these ladies reminded me that she lived just a few minutes away from the camp grounds and said she could run by there if I needed her to.
Well the amount of need could be questioned, but I sure did want her to!
Yesterday she packed up a box of sugar love and ran it over to the campsite.
Jolly Ranchers, Swedish Fish, Sour Patch Kids...and a note letting him know that this package was from a friend of ours from our old college days who just happens to live close by and had to bring him something when she heard he was there.
You know, when you are young and just starting think that you think about the future. But this was never a scenario that I would have imagined!
I want so badly to wrap my arms around my big kid and do something special for him.
I can't...but my buddy from 20 years ago could.
Thank you God for the blessing of friendship through your family in Christ.
The treasure of it continues to amaze and inspire me!
So cool!!!