
Sunday, March 7, 2010

My Wedding Day: Chapter Two

A widget is a computer thingy that you can add to your blog to make it cooler. I know that is stating it simply...get used to it...I tend to talk that way about things I know nothing about.
I would like to say that a widget is a frightening thing for me.
I know it doesn't sound very scary, but when a widget tutorial asks you to go to the Html and find the line that says
<<< >b dir oops what wasllll she shingkiing trying tochange stuff>>>
and insert this long page of more arrows and mysterious words into a certain place...well my poor little artist pea brain pretty much goes into shut down mode!
The only reason I even know where to find the Html is that it is plainly marked in a tab, and underlined!! duh (and I might also possibly know because I may have accidentally clicked on it one day and freaked out until I accidentally clicked on something else to get back to a normal screen)
Someday when I am feeling brave I want to install a tabs widget, and an archive list widget and a something else that pulls all the colors of my blog together nicely widget!
But, sigh....until then you are just gonna have to scroll through or make chance clicking guesses to find particular things you may need. Ignorance is not bliss!

I knew I could get away with that little rant seeing as how I made sure you plainly knew this post was a continuation of the wedding saga right there in the title! I know that is taking advantage, and...I feel mildly ashamed. Actually I don't really feel ashamed at all but did feel like it was the appropriate thing to say.

Does it feel like I am stalling? Why, I think in a Freudian sort of way that might just be the case.
Do you wish I would just get on with the story?
Ok, okay! Let's see where were we?

Ah yes, I was in blissful ignorance of the musical malady that had just taken place and I was readying myself to walk down the aisle upon the visual signal from a willing wedding participant.

Meanwhile....back at the ranch...(hee hee it was a ranch by the way). My accompanist had just tortured my wedding guests with an interesting 2 finger tune, finished up with a bang, and quickly prepared to (with some shred of dignity... somehow) get through the next song.

She prepped the music, made sure it was stable took a deep breath and began playing.
The song was one my sweet boyfriend, at the time, had put on a cassette tape for me! A good ole Statler Brothers tune entitled My Only Love.
Oh, I really really hope that at some time in your youth a boy made a cassette tape for you filled with the perfect songs that made you think just of him whenever you played it!! I still have mine, though I don't think I actually have anywhere that I could play it. hmmmm

The title ended up being the same line of words my then sweet fiance inscribed in my wedding band. So, it was pretty special to me!

Well, in all the hubbub of the previous catastrophe one little tiny something didn't get taken care of.

It was such a small thing...
I probably shouldn't mention it....
I have to.
What she forgot to do... was change the key she was playing in.
The couple singing had practiced the song almost a whole octave lower!
AAAAAHHHHHHH, It was outrageously high and ended sounding more like a twisted funeral dirge than a romantic, bride coming down the aisle song. My poor singers shrieked and stretched their voices trying ever so hard to play the best hand with the cards they had been dealt.
But it was painful, really and truly painful.
Truthfully, in the moment...I thought it sounded a bit odd,what I could hear of it anyway with the wind whipping about me. I also attribute it to the fact that I was a bit stunned that I was actually walking down the aisle to be married and I didn't in my blissfulness, think much more of it.

Besides, it was now ME walking down the cow trampled terrain trying not to bust it in my wedding dress. Can you think of anything that could possibly be worse than actually falling down in your wedding dress??? Oh, I shudder to even contemplate the thought.
Seeing as how I am a good full inch taller than my man, I was wearing flats, and didn't have quite the stress my lovely bridesmaids had. I made it all the way to my waiting groom, the dreadful song ended and we were set to begin the ceremony. Whew!!
The wind immediately whipped the hem of my dress neatly onto the upward curve of the stabilizing foot on the (previously pictured) beautiful brass archway.
I never moved from my set position during the whole ceremony, so I had NO idea that my dress was stuck there.... to be continued!

Well, I think this is where I have to end today.
I wanted to post another picture of me walking down the aisle, but our scanner isn't hooked to the computer thingy right....or something. Gotta ask my sweetie to check that out tomorrow!
Well, I know that portion didn't seem soooo bad right?
You will have to take my word for it, it gets worse! Much, much worse!!

Tune in later this week for another chapter in my wedding day saga!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to hear the other chapter(s)... Good story. :)


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