
Monday, July 5, 2010

Catching up

I am happy to say that I got my grocery shopping accomplished.
The fun purchase of the day was 3 new flower pots.

Oh, I know that is not grocery store fare, but I was at Wal-mart and had seen an orange pot that I really really wanted for a specific new plant that we have.
A friend gave us this foursome of plants in one pot at our housewarming party and I have been wanting to separate them to spread the plant love around the house.

I know orange is not a well loved color by too many people, but I am not scared of it and don't mind it at all right smack dab in the big middle of everything!!! Color tends to lend to my happiness quite a bit.
Taking pictures with my cell phone, emailing them to myself, saving them on the computer, adding them as a lame image to my blog...not so much.
Yes, I am still bewildered by the madness and my dear husband has far more truly important things to tend to, so I will suffer on.
But, as I was pot...

This plant was the least favorite of mine in the grouping, but I have come to really appreciate it.
It has a fantastic array of yellows, reds, oranges, and greens.
Anyone know what this is called? I did a quick search and couldn't find it in images.

Ahhhhh, here is a shot of the "beautiful" Galveston beach I was telling you about yesterday.
All that clumpy brown stuff is the piles of seaweed. I would say it was a good 7-8 feet laid out on the sand, for as far as you could see.
It was scratchy
I can hardly believe it, but I cannot find words to describe it well enough for you to get how disturbed I was by it.
I might need counseling to get over it.
I hate to speak too badly of it, because it is just a natural occurrence that I happened to get into the middle of. It is not the seaweeds fault that I showed up on the beach that day to play.
Okay, I am moving on from this ridiculous topic!

Now to introduce you to Shelby.

She was very funny this morning as I tried to take her picture.
She is a bit of a prissy princess and was not in the mood for photos.
(Please disregard my sons black boat sized shoes there in the background, they are now put away!)

My daughter picked out a super cozy PINK dog bed for her. She refused, I mean all out totally and completely refused to lay in it. She has however decided that the green blanket with the little cat embroidered on it is just fine.
Prissy princess dogs...humph!!

I think she comes from a one woman family, and is having a bit of a time adjusting to all the love available to her. It is neat to see her little by little trust that the kids have her best interest at heart. I was thrilled that she let my oldest son take her out for a potty break today. She immediately dashed right back in to my side, but progress was made!!

Oh, and by the way I swept and vacuumed first thing this morning.
Wait a minute, let me translate that.
After I had several cups of coffee I swept and vacuumed.
Not much happens around here before the coffee, so if in the future I use the expression "first thing this morning" be assured that it carries the inference of coffee consumption.
So the floor is all fresh and ready for the next assault and I feel good about it being clean.
Win win!!

Well, that catches you up a bit for now.

FYI, I am finding myself stuck in a recipe rut and am determined to get out of it, so watch for that in the coming weeks.

'til next time!!

1 comment:

  1. I've been meaning to tell you that I think your new little family member is adorable. :)


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