
Sunday, July 4, 2010

News of the week

I need to go to the grocery store.
My pantry and fridge were full to overflowing with our company here last week, now they have a hollow echo feeling about them.
I am actually totally okay with that. I love to go to the grocery store.
I thoroughly enjoy strolling down the aisles, singing along to the random music which plays constantly in the background.
You know...I don't take my 3 kids to the store with me. That pretty much sucks the joy right out of it.
Now, one child...that I will do, but three...oh I shudder at the thought.

Wowza, got my first electric bill for this house...had to pick myself up off of the floor for that one.
I decided I have been waaaaaay too comfortable and immediately had the husband reset the thermostats to higher temps. We have those nice programmable ones, so it was easy to do.

We went to the beach last week.
When you hear the word beach do you think of white sand and beautiful blue water? Well think again...this is Houston and the only close beach to go to is Galveston Island Beach.
Galveston beach gets zero thumbs up from me! It is just not a pretty place and this visit it was even worse than usual because of the unreal amounts of seaweed floating about and stacked up on the beach.
I mean it was gross.
Luckily once you got out into the waves, you couldn't feel it anymore.
Now the waves for the day...I give them a 4 thumbs up.
Just picture me out there riding the waves like a surfer in her hay day.
Now scratch that and picture me tumbling in the pre-storm waves constantly with salt water in my eyes and gasping for breath all the while trying to keep my youngest child from drowning because she enjoyed the thrill of it as much as I did.
So, I have decided that gross can be overlooked a bit if life risking fun is involved.

All of that was just drivel, while I put off telling you the real reason for my post today.

Deep cleansing breath!!!

We adopted a dog yesterday.

All of my closest friends had to shake their heads and ask to hear that information again. Most of my closest friends have a dog or dogs and have noticed my less than positive reaction to their animals. It is the licking, and the hair and the jumping and the begging for food, and the licking, and the chewing, and the potty trips in the middle of the night, and the potty on the floor, and the barking...oh you get my drift.
It is just too much.
My husband made mention of a dog who needed a home. Just a tiny little comment about how it was a cute little dog and it was out of a home.
I tried to ignore him and chase away the mixed feelings of sympathy and horror at the thought of a dog and all that goes along with it.
I was doing really good until he sent along a subtle email with the title "dog?"
The thing that totally got me... was the pictures.
Why the pictures??
I think I could have resisted had I not seen the cute pictures.

So, yesterday her owner brought her over to give it a trial run with the family.
There was no way I was gonna have a dog, homeless or not if I didn't feel comfortable with it around my kids.
Well, she passed all the tests and now is snuggled next to my feet as I type away.

Here are the good things...
She is not a puppy, so scratch potty training off of the list!
Whew, she is great about letting you know she needs to head out.

I absolutely 100% do not want a dog underfoot in my kitchen. It is dangerous and icky.
We have already begun teaching her to stay out. It is a bit of a full time job as there are three entrances into the kitchen, but overall she is doing awesome.
She is testing the waters constantly, but is reacting well to a firm "out". With this I am pleased!!

I really want a well disciplined dog.
One who will obey commands and knows who is the boss around here. While I think she has a ways to go, she is showing definite signs of being able to handle this rather quickly. Excellent!!

I suppose the hair will be a challenge, but hey...I really should vacuum and sweep more anyway! It will push me toward being a better housekeeper!

The jumping...hey not so much of that! Cool.
The licking...well dogs lick right. Ewww. I suppose it is like baby drool. When it is your own baby you tend not to mind quite as much as when the baby belongs to someone else.

Overall she is sweet and feisty and fun. She follows me around like a puppy, and frankly who doesn't love that??
So, this week...getting used to a new little life around here.

The challenge for today...her first time alone in the house as we head off to church time.
Yikes...crossing my fingers and toes!!!

I will post pictures later... the whole picture posting fiasco issue has not yet been resolved. Aaaaarrrrrggggggg!

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