
Friday, January 21, 2011

Pay up T!!

Flight 3002 from Houston to Nashville on a mild Thursday morning.

I was sitting, waiting patiently, taking note of just how many people were feasting on McDonald's "food" and Starbuck's coffee.
I had my camera in my bag and was contemplating taking it out but just couldn't get up the courage.
A big old camera like this is mighty conspicuous.
I tend to be shy.
Really I do!!

Then I received a *text from my best buddy.
T: Did you make it through security??
Me: Yup, just posted it on my facebook status. "I just made it through homeland security without a body scan or being groped" whew!
This was a mild concern of mine.
T: Very glad, your friends are relieved!!

Me: (looking about at all the people who may or may not have made it thru security as I did)
I don't think taking my camera out rt now wud be good. Ha!
T: If you are past security it would be fine.
(says she who isn't looking at all these people)
Me: Ha! I just mean, how conspicuous can one be with a big old camera taking random shots! No I will have to rein myself in.
T: I think you should take some will need to blog about your travel experience.
Me: Is that a dare?

Me: nope I just can't do it.
Me: too shy!
T: Yeah it was a dare, take just one picture!!

Then a nice girl came and sat right next to me. She looked open and approachable so I said to her..."So, I am having this funny text conversation with my best buddy and she is daring me to take a picture." "Your bracelets are nice, can I make that my picture?"

She wondered what the hubbub was, until I pulled out my big old camera!
She laughed a bit and said..."Yeah, I got a nice camera not too long ago too, I understand"
I texted back to my buddy
Me: Ok fine!!!

T: Can't wait to see the photo, do it before you get on the plane.
She didn't know I had already made the leap!
Me: Yeah, nice grl sat nxt to me and gave me courage!
T: Oh yeah, how's that?
Me: She said I cud photo her fun bracelets!!

Meanwhile back at the airport this craggy cowboy stepped up to the counter.
Oh how I wish I had switched lenses then I could have gotten a close up of his wonderful well aged face. I don't know any other way to say that. I am genuine in the description. This man had lived some years and had deep wrinkles under that 10 gallon hat. Looked like he'd been roping cattle for a long time. get out of your seat and take a picture!
Me: NO!!!
Whoa, that gave me a little panic attack even thinking about getting back up on my gimpy ankle, limping around the Houston airport just to take some photo!!
NO, I was not gonna do it.
Then my best buddy went way over the line and said...
T: For a bag of Casi???

Okay, WOAH!!
Casi Ceilo is a coffee that I wait for all year. It is available at the beginning of January, until it is sold out. It is smooth and rich and gorgeous....if a coffee could be gorgeous.
It is also 12.95 a bag!!! It is a rare and true treat to buy a bag of beans to grind at home and enjoy on cold winter mornings. I save money for just such a treat!
But a bag of beans for a photo????
Oh yeah, baby it was on!!!
So I replied...
Me: Okay, but for a big bag of beans, not one of those lesser small bags!!!

I looked around, trying to remain sly with my seemingly ginormous camera, deciding what I could take a picture of and not be offensive to anyone.
I decided a photo of my waiting plane would be a good choice and hefted myself up out of my seat to gimp over to the window.



Me: Done! People are giving me the crazy lady look!!
T: Ahhhhhh...what did you take a picture of???
Me: Guess ull have to wait and read about this whole scenario on blog post.
T: Okay, not getting Casi till I see the picture!!
Me: U don't trust me??
T: I trust you!
Me: Loading, bye!!
T: have fun!!

So there you have it T!!! The photos and the blog post. Now pay up!! But plan on staying when you deliver so we can share a cup together.

I wasn't sure if anything exciting would happen on the flight or not, so I kept my camera handy just in case.
It helped that I was in a row of 1 seat, as in sitting by myself. No one to be nervous about feeling awkward.
I found it interesting that none of these bags were checked and yet they still ended up in the belly of the plane.

We were served a generous package of mini pretzels and a beverage. I opted for hot tea!
These details are so intriguing, right??

I simply love thumbing through the latest issue of Skymall magazine.
They always have the coolest, most useful items for unbelievable prices!!
I had to record and share a few of my faves for you!

I mean, really...

Who doesn't need an "award winning" pet wheel away to cart around their little chihuahua??
Can't you just see little Shelbers riding along going with me on my next trip??
I can imagine the bulging eye nervousness that would accompany this fiasco.

And did you know that you don't have to hide the litter box? No you don't. You can just top it with an artificial decorative plant and voila...a living room decoration for any luxurious home.
Who writes this stuff?? Who buys this stuff??
You know what, don't answer those questions.

Oh, and here is another of my favorites.

This fellow in his Hawaiian shirt, sleeping like a baby through his long flight.
I would need a buddy there to blow it up for me, I can barely inflate a balloon.
Pardon me...would you mind blowing up my Skyrest for me???? Ahhhh ha ha ha.

I am sorry. Some things just crack me up!

Here is my classic wing in the clouds, out of my airplane window shot.

And here we are just coming out of the clouds in approach to Nashville.

There you go friends.
That is your Laundry Day love for this cold Friday.
I got out of the house a bit ago to take some snow pics.
I am anxious to load them and see what I got.
More from Tennessee later!!!

*Portions of the texting conversation may have been altered to protect the innocent, or guilty, and possibly for mild drama...but are true to the spirit of the original conversation.

1 comment:

  1. I will have your bag of Casi when you return!! Good job on the pictures and overcoming (for the moment) your shyness. You can not be an award winning photographer and be shy about it....i'm just saying. Have fun and know you are loved and missed :)


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