The creator of this challenge said we could tuck this assignment away for another day.
I knew it would get tucked away in my scrambled brain, never to be retrieved!
My husband "helped" me think through this assignment last night.
That means laying in bed with his eyes closed he said mm-hmmm (positive) or mm-hmmm (negative) as I chatted away with ideas.
You know how you get all sleepy, but aren't asleep yet and don't want to be rude to the person talking but really wish they would just hush so you can go to sleep??? Yeah!
I do that quite often to my dear husband.
He just says mm-hmmmm and lets me yammer on.
After chatting myself through several scenarios I landed on this idea.
That bear is made from a quilt which used to belong to my grandmother which my mom lovingly converted, saving the pieces which weren't too tattered.
The crazy quilt to the left is one my mom made for me when I was ohhh...about 12???
The blue quilt to the right was also made by my mother some 13 or so years ago, which my ten year old son has attached himself to mightily.
All three quilts have been used to the point of threadbare!
Threadbear...hee hee, I just had to write that.
4 generations of people have gotten warmth and comfort from these handcrafted jewels.
So, that image up there is straight out of the camera.
I decided to mess with the contrast and brightness a bit and do some cropping and came up with this.
I like that look, but grabbed another photo and gave it another try.
I decided that I like that best of the three.
Well hey, I gotta get!
It is Monday so I have laundry spinning...and I really really really should clean the bathrooms today too.
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