
Monday, July 4, 2011


Happy Independence Day!!

We have had a lazy around the house family kind of day around here, and it has been wonderful.

I was really wondering what my photograph could be of today, but then I meandered through my blogroll and a thought got bumped back from the depths!

I came across a blog several months ago which I really really like.
It is quite interesting to look at visually. That is what kept me going back to it time after time.
What keeps me going back is the author's obvious faith in God.

Blog + Beauty + Belief = you got me coming back!

Seeing as how this gal is also a photographer...well come on, that is a super duper combo.

I know I know, what does that have to do with the photo of the day right??

Well this is what!
She has issued a RAW challenge! (head over to the link and check out the other images!)
That means you must take the theme of the week and compose a photograph then leave it completely untouched for posting!!!
In this era of touch up that is not a common thing, believe me!
So this weeks challenge...AMERICA!
Well duh, right?

When I think of America, I think of freedom.
Sacrifice of so many for freedom.

A nation built on the promise of freedom, and on the principles that strive to make it great despite our ineptness and ability to ruin things.

Sounds a bit like the gospel as well right???

Anyhoo...We fly our flag proudly around here, proclaiming our rights and freedoms.
That is where I went with picture taking today.
I am proud to live in a neighborhood where flags are abundant, as is the fire for America the Beautiful.

SOOC!! We talked about that the other day remember??
Straight out of camera!

I whittled down my results to about 9 shots and then called my husband in to help make a judgment call.
Huh? He picked the same one as I did!!
(Years of training folks, years of training!!)

Here are the runners up!
also both SOOC!

I personally almost like this one better...*

*I tend to like things a bit darker with a touch of drama.
That is my taste...always has been!

I hope your day has been awesome...or just American, which worked just fine for us around here!
Off to enjoy a grilled burger! YUM

ohhhh, found another SOOC challenge!!!


  1. oh, see at the end there I added one more link! I am gonna read up on it some more and fill you in later this week.
    Looks like a weekly challenge to shoot SOOC, then go back later in the week for editing.

  2. *waves* I popped in from Sailor and Co. RAW challenge.

    I love your photos. The one you chose is awesome!!
    I just wanted to add that I also tend to lean to the dark side of photos also (Who knew that there were others like me out there!);)

  3. Thanks Shari!!! Of course I popped over to explore all the submission links from over at RAW too!! It is fun to see what others are up to out there!

  4. What a great shot!! I love the one you (and your husband) chose. I agree with the "dark/drama" look - it draws you in.

  5. Great shots of the flag - it's quite impressive that they are SOOC!

  6. Lovely shots! The other flag waving in the background really adds to each shot; love it. (Visiting from Shoot and Edit).

  7. Can I just say how much fun this is to have special guests today!!! Thanks for coming to visit girls, I am checking you out too!!!
    But not in a creeper kind of know just in a hey look at her pictures kind of way!

    ha ha ha!!


Thank you for taking the time to comment, every single one just makes my day!!