
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

More lily shots

I wanted something different for you today, well before I show you more of the same old, same old...ha haha!!!

There is so much around that I just don't take the time to look at, and I bet you are the same way!

This particular view is usually not available to me since our large green trashcan usually hides it!
Ahhh ha I thought...something new!!!

I didn't make any mention of it being exciting...just new!

Alrighty then on to other stuff today.

Oh boy...I just remembered that I have a load of laundry in the dryer.

Ha! It has probably been sitting there for a good 40 minutes because as usual I have gotten distracted!!

I was going to type out a nice long post, but alas I got a phone call from someone needing some help!
So, instead I will make it a short post and leave the long one for when I have time!

I am sooooo excited about my lily/fish pictures today!!

You know for the longest time I have moaned and moaned about just not being able to get good crisp shots of my fish.
I keep trying early in the day and late in the day, but never have given the middle of the day a fair chance!!!
Truth be told, I am not often here in the one o'clock hour so it has never really occurred to me!

Just check this one out!!

This shot made me so happy, I instantly made it my computer wallpaper!!

Consider that the fish were not the intent of the picture, but an accompaniment.

I then tried several different angles on the flower for you.

Well, angles that my creaky body could accommodate!!

Well, I simply must move on, though I wish it were not so!!

I need to whip up some chili...for a treat night supper of Frito Pie!!
I am gonna sneak as many veggies in there as possible AND use V8 as my soup base!
Hee hee hee(evil laugh, as opposed to girly laugh-these things are hard to tell via written word!)


  1. I think evil laugh might be written mwah, mwah, mwhat...but I'm not sure :) We are also still working on laundry from Monday; every day is laundry at my house.

  2. my title suggests I try to get all of mine done in one day, most weeks that doesn't work, but some weeks it does.
    My evil laugh was more of a sit in the corner and rub your hands together hoping noone catches on kind of evil laugh...small and slimy, not bold and conquering!!!
    I will stick with hee hee hee I think!


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